iLogs (Intelligent Logbooks)

Constant monitoring and support of the crew

Effective fleet management is essential for shipping businesses to keep ahead of their rivals in the fast-paced shipping sector of today. Proper Electronics Logs is a key component of fleet management. A web-based program called Electronics Logs from e.Soft was created in accordance with electronic record books and pertinent regulations and circulars to assist shipping businesses in efficiently managing their fleet operations.

our skilled team

Key Features

  • 01
    Cloud-Based Live Streaming

    Real-time fleet operations monitoring.

  • 02
    Analytics Module

    Correlates data for measurable KPIs.

  • 03
    Smart Compliance Tools

    Quick retrieval and analysis of logbooks.

  • 04
    Two Synchronized Web Applications

    Continuous data exchange.

  • 05
    Customizable Logbooks

    Adheres to specific regulations and circulars.

How It Works ?

Electronics Logs ensures effective fleet operation management by installing cloud-based live streaming programs on all ships and land based locations. These applications are in constant synchronization. exchanging data seamlessly The analytics module plays a vital role in providing information on the management of OWS, bilge waters, fuels, sludge and incinerators enabling data-driven decisions and efficient fleet management.


  1. Improved Business Operations:

    Make data driven decisions for enhanced efficiency

  2. Efficient Fleet Management:

    Stay ahead of rivals with streamlined operations.

  3. Quick and Simple Access to Logbooks:

    Retrieve data effortlessly.

  4. Proof of Compliance with Port Authorities:

    Avoid fines and maintain a positive reputations.


  • Two Web applications in constant synchronization for data exchange.

  • Cloud-based live streaming for continuous fleet operations monitoring.

  • Analytics module for data correlation and obtaining measurable KPI.

  • Smart functions for understanding potential lack of Compliance.

Harness the full potential of iLogs

Explore real world scenarios illustrating how Electronic Logs contributes to effective fleet management and compliance in the shipping sector.

Regulatory Conformity:

To ensure compliance in the shipping sector, e.Soft Electronic Logs follows electronic record book and relevant regulations. The system offers customizable electronic logbooks in accordance with specific legislation and circulars, ensuring total regulatory compliance.